What’s the hardest thing for you to comprehend about the American culture?

One time I actually had a great job with great insurance and I decided fuck it might as well use it on my teeth and this lifelong acid reflux I've learned to live with as a mutant.

The dentists destroyed my teeth by grinding the enamel down to almost nothing, I would've rathered the small sometimes pain of cavities. The doctor that I specifically made sure everything was covered before the surgery, multiple phone calls, decided to use a new proprietary equipment for the endoscopy so I owed $4000 AND the doctor didn't even talk to me about what he found, I had to make another appointment, months down the road to even talk about it. I ended up going in and grabbing the documents myself to get a small idea what they thought I had. A newish thing called EoE it turns out, and there is no cure and only this newly combination medicine I'd have to get on an expensive plan for MIGHT help or it might make it worse. So, I'm just living with it, a different doc a long time ago said if it was dangerous it would've been by now.

Whatever the world is ending anyway.

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