What’s the shittiest way a friend has shown you they weren’t really your friend?

One night I went drinking at my ex bff house. She was pregnant at the time so she didn’t drink. It was just me and her bf, and she encouraged us to keep taking shots. Anyways she’s tired and decides she’s going to sleep, by this time I’m way too drunk and lay on her couch where I was going to sleep at. Well her stupid bf at the time decided to try and pull a move on me. He kissed me and I pushed him off yelling your pregnant gf and my BFF is in your bed sleeping I’m not doing this to her and it’s fucked up you would even think to cheat on her. So I was pissed and ended up walking home drunk (3 miles). Next day I tell her everything and she has the nerve to call me a lying slut. Anyways couple years later she ended up apologizing to me because surprise she found out her bf really did try to make a move on me. We became friends again (should have never forgave her) but then later on she lost her job and blamed me so once again decided she didn’t want to be friends with me. I wish I had seen how toxic she really was when I first met her, I wasted a lot of years being friends with someone who never deserved my friendship.

/r/AskReddit Thread