What’s the worst case of bad parenting you’ve ever witnessed?

My daughters 14 year old friend at cheerleading camp (4 states away) broke her arm. The camp staff (maybe in their early 20s) took her to the ER for x-rays, the doctor splinted it & referred the girl to an orthopedic doctor. Her parents didn't come to take her to an orthopedic doctor, they let her finish out 5 more cheer camp days in a splint for a broken arm & then ride home on the camp bus. She had to have surgery to reset it after she got home.

A few years later, another of my daughters friends got alcohol poisoning. I took her to the ER. Her parents were divorced & her father was going to punish her by not letting her go to university and she'd have to come clean his apartment. I certainly understood why her mother divorced her father after overhearing that conversation.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent