What’s your story about having insane sexual/romantic chemistry with someone?

I saw a girl on OkCupid and from her profile, messaging her on there and eventually many text messages it was clear something special was there. I met her at a bar the beginning of December, something that is well outside of my comfort zone(I have social anxiety) but within an hour of talking to her and making stupid faces at each other it was obvious we really clicked. We ended up walking until the bar closed (2am, I arrived at midnight) and then talking outside until 4 in the morning. We went on many excellent dates, developed serious feelings quickly, which would normally be weird for people who have have dated for a relatively short time,had deep conversations where it was clear how similar we were.

Then 2 Sundays ago (8 days ago)we were supposed to hang out all day and in the morning she stopped texting me. Around 2pm I asked her what's up and didn't hear back. I've texted her a few times since then and still nothing. She had made promise not to randomly stop talking her so it's really weird to me that she's ghosting me. It wouldn't confuse and hurt me as much if it was clear we weren't very compatible or she just simply said it wasn't working out, also this is the first time I've been ghosted, so I'm not used to it at all.

/r/AskReddit Thread