TIL "call of the void" is that feeling when you think for a second about steering into oncoming traffic or jumping off a cliff for no reason although you would never do it.

When I took LSD everything went pretty good for two hours. I enjoyed myself, the feeling, being connected with everything but then somehow I though emerged. When it works with good feelings, does it work with bad feelings? I had some sort of vertigo and felt like you feel when you look are standing on top of a cliff and look down. Time slowed down, everything got darker, reds intensified. I'am a happy go lucky, let's do it type of guy but then this minority took over. My mind got trapped in this though cycle. It was so intense. I had never problems with depression or something like that, when things get though I face the problem and try to make the best of it. But in this moment a unknown part of my mind took over and tried a revolution. My trip sitter tried to calm me down and was successful, somewhat. After some freak out (talking, not acting out) she got me back but I had to sit through the rest of the trip in horror. Most unpleasant event in my life.

This is why I'am so shocked of reddit's hivemind when it comes to LSD. People here make it seam like the safest drug, something to do just for funsies. I learned it may show you something in you you don't know about. And you may not like what you find. This was years ago and I still think of it from time to time.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org