What is the scariest or most disturbing thing to ever happen to you on the internet?

Believe me, I didn't really believe her at first, either. But, knowing her the way I do, I know that had she known, there are things she did during her pregnancy that she would have never done. Smoking (she quit immediately after he was born), taking heavy pain medication for migraines...

She never "showed". I mean, she's always been kind of a thick girl (not really fat, not really skinny) and maybe she would have eventually 'popped' had she gone full term. The doctors told her the main reason she didn't show was she carried the baby horizontal, his head at one hip and his feet at the other, instead of vertical and he was further back in the uterus. As for not feeling movement, the doctors only explanation was he was active at night when she slept and since she was such an active person, he slept during the day. As for other signs and symptoms, she swears there were none or if there were, she didn't pick up on them.

The only time she can think of that she could feel him move was the night before he was born. She had been in a lot of pain that day and the night before and she had even gone to the doctor, that doctor didn't even pick up on the pregnancy. They thought she was having a severe kidney infection and since she had severe kidney problems when she was a baby, they thought that was the problem.

I remember her texting me that night telling me how bad she was hurting and she says, "Girl... TMI but I have gas so bad I can see my stomach moving." and "I don't know what's wrong, but if having kids is half this painful I don't think I will ever have one.". The next day she goes to the ER where they discover the pregnancy, two hours later she's got a 3lb baby boy.

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