What have you seen genuinely shitty people do that they thought was perfectly acceptable?

My father, who lied about his income in clever ways with his wife to avoid paying taxes and paying my mother child support (he was a contractor and she was one of those ninja loan mortage lenders that led to the 2008 financial crisis/landlord that brags about stealing from the poor like that makes her hard working), presented me with a line item invoice for "raising me", even though I was 95% raised by my single mother, only seeing him once every few months. What prompted this invoice? On one of his benders he called me repeatedly while I was working and when I answered I had the audacity to tell him I can't be at his beck and call 24/7, unlike him I didn't receive an inheritence from my father to leisurely work when I wanted.

Apparently that made me ungrateful and warranted an invoice for raising me even though the piece of shit only put in a few weeks total. Haven't talked to him in the six years since, and I imagine I won't as long as I have an outstanding balance.

/r/AskReddit Thread