What was the shittiest thing a manager ever did to you?

Promised me full time after a few months of part time, then was missing my first day at work. Turned out she had a few months of vacation saved up and was using them. Got zero training except from other employees but figured it all out. When she got back, I kept asking about the full time and getting the run around. Then she hired a family friend full time and told me to my face I wasn't getting it. Called the DM and she, in front of me, bold faced lied on the phone saying she never offered it and outright saying I was full of crap. Never got it. Got a better job a while later, learned she was fired for embezzlement and diagnosed with cancer. Other fun fact that came to light with the embezzlement investigation was that she would also buy all the current "challenge" items and then have her husband drive to other stores in the district and return them.

/r/AskReddit Thread