What should die off in 2023?


To my shame, I became a bully during middle and high school. I think it started for two reasons:

  1. I had been bullied, and figured that if I joined everyone else in bullying this one kid that EVERYONE (Even the teachers) disliked, it would keep the heat off of me.

  2. Throughout middle school and part of high school, I was going through some shit:

  • We had been moving pretty much once a year after we had to leave my childhood home, since the basement wall caved in and we had to short sell the house.

  • My parents, after reassuring me for years that they weren't going to get divorced, separated (thankfully temporarily, they're back together now).

  • At the same time, my mother had a psychotic break and had to be temporarily hospitalized. (She's thankfully doing a lot better now.)

I'm not trying to make excuses for myself or my behavior. I'm incredibly ashamed of who I was back then. He will likely never read this but I would like to sincerely apologize to Justin. Regardless of how much I disliked you, you didn't deserve to be treated that way and if I could re-live that segment of my life, I wouldn't have treated you the way I did. I'm sorry.

I'm proud and happy to say that I am NOTHING like my teenage self and mine and my parents' lives are going a lot better.

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