What is slowly dying off or disappearing?

We never really intended to stay here - The issue with the Bay area is the competition and extremely wealthy along side with no legislation towards preventing other types of Nationals to purchase as much land as they want as a form of investment.

Also, I was born and raised on the East coast so I'm well aware but there aren't many places in the US that I've lived that I can say that I enjoy and when one chapter ends, another must start in life. So for us, it's a combination of being able to stay in the comfort of income and living in an area that doesn't have hiked inflation costs not just with housing but as a while.

I cannot stress how much I miss being able to get an entire dinner somewhere for less than $10, and it's worse when it cost my SO and I a whopping $47 for a fucking pizza and $17 for a 6" cheesesteak. Maybe that's just my Philly blood screaming to get out, but I'm just tired of the US and my SO agrees we would have better opportunity in a different country to own (and I emphasis this next part) our dream home in a dream area without suffering from income loss moving outside of the Bay.

Also doesn't help that neither of our fields are exactly... easily replaced. So we chose to opt for a place that offers those replacements.

It's a whole thing, I expect no one to read this, but it does help to clarify our specific situation.

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