What "social rule" do you hate?

Wow, what's wrong with you people? The social rule that I see taking on and hate is that of thinking that because you don't owe anything to anyone you shouldn't feel guilty about treating them like shit. Make a small sacrifice for a fellow human being, it may not be your fault that you are in that situation, but it's not their's either, accidents happen. I honestly feel sick to my stomach when I see the way people nowadays are embracing the put yourself first mentality. Annoying/clingy friend? Cut them off, not your problem, you don't owe them anything, they aren't human, it's their fault that they have mental health issues, don't feel any guilt. Someone asks you for something you can't give? Again, f*** them, you don't owe them anything, just say no and make no attempts at giving them an explanation or proposing an alternative to make them feel better because f*** them, you come first, let them be shattered and burn, it's their fault and they deserve it. It isn't 'healthier' to destroy your moral compass, you're simply turning yourself into a sociopath. I'm someone who suffers from OCD-induced guilt which essentially destroys my life and I completely understand the dangers of guilt and how stressful and draining it can be, but you need to distinguish between rational and irrational guilt. It's okay to feel guilty about taking the last slice of pizza, it's what you're supposed to feel, embrace it and eat the f***ing slice, we aren't all saints, but don't deny that it would have made you a better person to give up the slice to someone else. As long as you're not gonna ruminate about the entire situation for weeks and cry about it at night and about how Johnny was hungrier than you and hadn't eaten all day and that he deserved it, you're okay. The point I'm trying to make, is that it's okay not to give people something you don't owe them, but it does make you less of a compassionate person and less of a good person and that is acceptable from time to time because we aren't all saints.

/r/AskReddit Thread