What is a societal norm today that you think will make people 50 years from now go "how the hell was that OK?"?

  1. I am also concerned about Big Pharma's influence. They are companies trying to make profits, not people trying to help people. They have all sorts of incentives to rig clinical trials to show only good results. There are all sorts of studies showing long-term changes to the brain from ADHD meds.

  2. I never wanted to be on antidepressants, yet here I am. I tried all the stuff I was supposed to do after getting the diagnosis, like seeing a therapist, exercising more, going to yoga, practicing CBT, etc. But despite my best efforts it kept getting worse and worse. Medication was the only option left; my depression was too severe for me to function day-to-day. This wasn't your average gloomy day that could be fixed with fun, relaxing, or stress-relieving activities. We're talking about widespread brain dysfunction. In addition to a pervasive low mood and extremely low self-esteem, I suffered from insomnia, lack of appetite, no energy (think how the morning after a drinking heavily even the simplest tasks feel impossibly difficult: imagine that constantly), and no focus (it was taking me at least 5x longer to do the work I was doing before). My energy levels and focus disappeared overnight.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that I needed antidepressants. I wish I didn't. I wish I had good mental health, but life didn't have that in the cards for me. All along I've been very ashamed and in denial about my depression. I need MORE of a victim mentality. I'm angry at myself for being a weak, incompetent sack of shit that gave herself depression, when I should be accepting it is fueled by genetics, hormones, and my overall temperament.

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