What has someone done for you that made a big impact on your life, that that person probably never knew the significance of?

I thought my dad was an asshole because he would make my brothers and me work our asses off if we wanted an 'allowance.' I don't mean like small chores here and there, talking about days of hard work every week like working on his landscaping projects or painting the entire fence in the back yard. One time had to mow the lawn, but had to learn how to dismantle and repair the lawnmower first because it was broken. If we ran out of work at our house, he'd send us off to the neighbors!

After a while my brothers and I learned to just suck it up and work hard, work efficiently, and never expect anything for free. We gained a lot of skills too. We all have been successful in our lives, and I attribute it to my dad instilling actual work ethic in us as children.

/r/AskReddit Thread