What is something that immediately ruins a movie for you?

On a similar note, it drives me absolutely mental when the other characters get mad at the protoganist for being a jerk when it's actually the friends who are the jerks and the protagonist actually didn't do anything wrong. Examples: The Devil Wears Prada- Stealing someone's work phone is not okay. Imagine if that got her fired? Her friends were totally okay with her new job when they were getting free stuff but the moment she has to miss a couple things for work, she's suddenly this huge villain? High School Musical 2- If Troy can impress Sharpay' s parents, he can get a full ride into any university in America. Why does his girlfriend keep listening to what her dumb friends say about Troy and she never goes to him to ask him herself? Also, he got all 30 of his friends high paying jobs for the summer and they turn on him when he is trying to secure his future and politely calls his waiter friend out for getting his order wrong. Troy did nothing wrong but y'all made him feel so guilty that he gave up a full ride scholarship to sing with y'all in the talent show. And lastly, The Babysitters Club- Kristy is 12 years old. Why is she solely responsible for the care of her younger siblings? Why does everything fall apart when she isn't there? The rest of y'all need to pull your own weight. Also, Claudia. It is not Kristys fault you are going to fail science. It is your test. Study yourself and stop blaming others. Kristy is busy. Back off. And stop pressuring Mary Ann to tell the secret. It's not her secret to tell.

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