What is something insignificant that you passionately hate?

This is me. I am hyper-distractable when I'm physically moving, or something? If I could see from a distance the way I'm moving among the rest of the world, I would never do the ridiculous things I do. Of course I can't just stop in a line of moving traffic. But I don't see the line, I just see the thing that caught my eye. And I was oblivious to how I was moving with the world and am equally oblivious to how my sudden stop impacts the world around me. I never noticed it until I met my husband and he was constantly (gently) pointing it out to me. I cringe so hard thinking about it. I sheepishly apologize a lot, and I've definitely improved, but I still piss people off occasionally. Its to the point where I try to apologize and if they're still visibly pissed anyway in my head I'm like, "Well, okay, that's fair." FWIW I'm fairly intelligent but am also a scatterbrained person in general.

Anyway: I'm sorry in advance.

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