What is something that other people often don't understand about you?

I can hide my emotions pretty well and I'm not as chill of a person as you may think. When I say I can hide my emotions, I mean most of them. Joy is one that just seems to bubble out of me when I experience it, probably because I don't too much. My life is extremely frustrating and I don't make the best grades in school so I frequently get my phone taken away(which I'm pretty sure is gonna happen tomorrow because I came home with an F in literature(progress report not actual report card btw)) which just adds to the frustration. My brother, despite being only 11, is quite abusive. Not only to me, to my mother too. I'm the older brother so I can deal with him if he initiates anything physical, but when he starts berating me with words, I may look like I don't care too much, but I can't tell you how much it's hurts me. Anyway, I'm sorry. I know askreddit isn't really a place to rant but with this question I couldn't help myself. If you read this far, thanks. It means a lot to me. Have a great day.

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