What is something you want/should get off your chest?

So i realise this will be a long post, but here I go:

Throughout my life, people have always told me that I am a nice person. I've always enjoyed doing nice things to others and I've also always been that kind of person who easily feels guilt. So when I was 13 I had this friend (which I -in hindsight- believe had very bad influence on me). We both played this game where you made your own user and you could chat to people and stuff. We found out that it would be funny to kind of ''troll'' the chats, so we did that for a while. Just saying mean things to people, some of them younger than us. We never really meant anything by it, but just thought it was kind of fun to joke around. So a couple of months later I kind of ended our friendship, because I realised what a bad influence she had on me. Shortly after i went back on to the game and apologised to the people I could find. Jumping ahead to where I am today (16 y/o) I feel so horrible for what I did. Even though I apologised to some of the people, I just can't stand the thought of how I was able to do something like that. The fact that I might have made someone be sad or feel bad just kills me. I have not told anyone. People still believe I am a nice person, especially my parents which just makes me feel so bad. My parents are so nice to me and I feel like they deserve someone much better than me. I just don't know what to do, because I feel like a horrible person.

I apologise if this post contains any typos or makes little sense as I wrote it kind of fast.

/r/AskReddit Thread