What is something that someone has said to you, that made you self-conscious ever since?

Some guy called me a koala from year 9 right to year 12. There was only 2 people that would say it often but every now and then a friend or some random kid would call me it aswell thinking they were crackup. I was happy and outgoing before it started, I was funny, I was social but this cunt fucked me up in the head. He would always say it in front of groups of people, whenever I was with friends or with girls I liked. I remember him calling me it in front of the whole class, just whenever him saw me talking to anyone basically, if I kept my mouth shut he didnt say anything to me. Then after having a couple of friends say it jokingly and have some other dickheads say it, the second main bully said some shit like "shut up you look like a koala haha" in year 10 of the classmates I was in every subject for. The whole class laughed at it and from that point it stuck. Sometimes would go for months without hearing it and start to forget about it then someone would pipe up and completely ruin me again. From then, had massive social anxiety, hated everyone and everything, never spoke to anybody, ignored friends offers to go out, sit in my room crying etc etc. I swear I spent from year 10 to year 12 at school just staring at the floor hoping not to be noticed by anyone because I was afraid of embarrassing myself. I spent all my free time playing Csgo or watching youtube just to forget about the world and didnt do anything else besides soccer. And here I am a year after finishing year 12 , about to start uni and Im still crying about people saying I looked like a koala which seems so stupid. Feels like its definitely left a scar tho. If anyone even reads this and has some advice or similar experiences and how to overcome childhood bullying I would really appreciate it. Sorry for the poor grammar and sentence structure, I write how I talk. Thanks for taking the time to read aswell :)

/r/AskReddit Thread