What strange coincidence has happened to you?

I have the best one!! I met my boyfriend at university, and as we were getting to know each other we both described a place in London quite vaguely as no one usually knows it. Then we realised we were discussing the same place!! We went to the same college and did similar subjects and had the same form tutor, but he was in the year above... and not only did we go to the same college, we lived one road away from each other!! For the past 4 years we had never lived more than like 3 minutes away from each other!!

I never used to believe in things like fate, but I feel like we are destined to be together, no matter what we would have been together. I understand the red string of fate and I'm so happy our strings crossed early because it means I get to spend more time with my one true love.

/r/AskUK Thread