What was the strangest thing you did as a child?

Here we go:

From ages 2-5 I was a big fan of Godzilla and would sing in Japanese/sing along to the Japanese Godzilla songs.

From ages 5-8 I would always make sure I shut off every light in the house at least 5 times. Don't know why I stopped doing that. Just did.

From ages 4-6 I would hide my shit stained underwear in the backyard. When I was 7 I had to dig it all up and throw it away when I discovered my family was going to put a pool in. Must be what Jimmy Conway and Henry Hill felt like when they had to dig up Billy Bats.

At age 3 I used to ride on my aunts Golden Retriever's back like a horsey. Did not give a fuck how many times I was told no/to stop. I knew my boy Angus enjoyed it.

At age 5.5/6 I discovered masturbation via scratching my crotch area and liking it. (Don't think that's normal for males.)

At age 3.5-4 I would occasionally hump my much older sister's leg the way one of my aunt's puppies did.

From age 2.5-3.5 I would hide all my toys and action figures in couch cushions and chair cushions. SUPER SECRET CAVE!

At age 4 I tried jumping into the TV because I was bored and the people inside the TV were much cooler than my babysitting cousin.

In kindergarten, for show and tell, I told everyone I was a Super Saiyan. I proceeded to lift up my sleeves, flex my muscles and turn red and purple in the face until my teacher told me to go to the principal's office for trying to poop in class.

In first grade I would purposely find someway to get hurt or throw up at least once a week because the school nurse was mad hot. I must have asked her to marry me a hundred times.

In 2nd grade I would stick my fruit snacks into random people's backpack's/lunch bags/lunch boxes because Jesus wanted me to do nice things.

From ages 10-11 I took 3 10+ minute showers a day. Didnt care about water bill. I WAS FRESH!

From ages 8-9 I would shout random quotes and song lyrics before walking into my house by myself. My neighbors must have thought I was retarded.

From ages 10.5-12 I refused to drink soda or eat fast food.

At age 10-11 I watched Seinfeld 3-4x a day.

At age 12 I watched ~2 "good" movies (3+ stars) a day and got really into gangster movies and crime dramas.

At age 12 I stuck my dick in many somewhat regrettable places I am too embarrassed to mention.

There's probably a ton of out of the ordinary stuff I did as a child.

/r/AskReddit Thread