What is the strangest unexplained experience you have had?

When I was a kid, I would take long walks in the woods behind my parents house. Typically, I would stick to a dirt two-track that I was familiar with and had walked many times. One day however, I decided to walk in a patch of woods I had never set foot in. It started out normal enough. Not much as far as scenery initially and being fairly dull, I ventured deeper. Now, not far from where I was exploring was an old run down house; which always seemed to have a passerby staying there.

It was around this point that I came upon a clearing set in the middle of this group of trees. The first thing I noticed when seeing this was a large group of stones set in a semi-circle. Wondering just what I had come upon, I slowly made my way to it. The stones were all around the same size and they all had different markings written upon them. In the middle of the stones was what appeared to be a fire pit with an old iron cemetery cross stuck in the middle.

Although the scene was strange, I didn't initially become startled. That is, until I saw that in the bottom of the fire pit was a carcass of some type. Something dead; something covered in black hair. Instantly I felt that bad feeling you get when you sense trouble. Not long after I felt this I heard a noise occur behind me. Turning, I saw nothing. Panic flooded my brain. I turned and tried to pinpoint where I had come into this clearing. How do I get out? Is there something stalking me?

Running. I picked my exit and sprinted through the underbrush. I did not stop running until I had slammed my parents front door behind me. Sweating, and covered in scratches from the branches that had clawed me, I sat in the living room and tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Not long after this happened I spoke to my parents about what had occurred. Being parents they figured I was just overly exaggerating, and they advised me to let it go. To not go back there again.

It wasn't long after this that I began to hear rumors of satanists in the area. Well, of one specifically. Whether the guy was actually practicing this sort of stuff, I never found out.

Now as far as the noise that had occurred behind me. It seemed as though it was whispered right into my ear. What was it? A growl. A low guttural growl that you would picture a 200 pound dog to make. It sounded angry. It sounded close.

Is this a supernatural case? I'm not sure what it is. I know however that there were no dogs close by, and I know I heard that sound. Over the years I have told this story to friends and family to illustrate that I had an instance I cannot explain. Thanks for listening.

/r/AskReddit Thread