What streaming on Twitch fulltime does to your life.

Not to mention the fact that the streaming industry and the entire culture that surrounds it is so fluid and changing so rapidly that there is no possible safe long-term career plan you could have within it. Sure, you could make it big for a hot minute and enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, but then what? 10 years from now everything will be so completely different in ways most of us probably can’t even imagine, and by then you will almost certainly be passed by and forgotten.

So then what do you do? There will be a several year-long gap on your resume during which you likely gained almost no skills that will help you in the working world outside of gaming, and there will be countless others in the same boat as you. You devoted everything towards achieving your goal, made so many sacrifices to achieve it, and then you’re back at square one, or possibly even worse off than before.

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