What wasn't your fault, but no one believed you?

So a few weeks ago I got pretty drunk one night, but nothing THAT BAD.

I specifically remember taking off my clothes and throwing them in the hamper just fine before getting in bed

The next morning my father comes into the room and noticed that my clothes are soaking wet. I immediately just to the conclusion that he believes I pissed myself and later in the day I brought my clothes being wet up by saying that I couldn’t think of a reason why, and he basically said that I probably passed myself.

I am absolutely 100% positive I did not, as I definitely remember taking off my perfectly dry clothes before jumping into bed.

We got a big snow storm that night and I thought that maybe the ceiling was leaking water that got into the house and dripped into the hamper, but there was no sign of water on the ceiling or anything like that.

There was no scent or yellow stains or anything. I took a tissue and tried to soak up part of my clothes and there was nothing to suggest it wasn’t just water.

I am absolutely convinced I was not behind what happened in that hamper overnight. When I explained this to my brothers they said that I absolutely pissed myself. And I don’t think I could face my mother if I brought this up. So my entire family thinks it’s my fault but I am certain I’m innocent.

/r/AskReddit Thread