What were you known for in highschool?

Honestly I had a great time in high school because I knew I wanted to get serious after. I know what I want and I decide I am gonna get it. I wasn't worried about not getting into college or anything like that because I knew I could only afford community when I graduated. Once I did I just whipped myself into shape. Jacket/tie and front row at every class. All advanced courses. Chose a hard foreign language for my requirement. Transferred to one of the most up and coming nationally recognized universities in the world and continue to do well.

Would I say I "peaked" in high school? No. I am just getting started. In college I still have a lot of sex, although I am not as interested in it as I used to be. Id prefer a girlfriend that I can care for and love (not as corny as it sounds when you realize sex isn't as big a deal as everyone makes of it, and that a relationship is far more fulfilling). I have shifted my social talents for networking and professional development. I party hard as shit but only when the occasion calls for it and I deserve to blow off steam. Ill admit- I still love pot.

I guess my priorities have shifted but I am still the same fellow. I just want to apply my attitude from high school to life. I don't want to care about any of the rules, expectations, or confines of what I am told is possible for me. I want to live free. So if it means I have to grind my ass off to be paid, take care of my family, and do whatever I want?- Hard work is a small price to pay for the reward I expect (and get).

I hope my golden years will be when I have a house, a vacation home, have bought a house for my parents, a NICE car for my father, and have a family of my own to share that with. I also want enough money to pay for my children's education in cash. If my wife doesn't want to work, I don't think she should have to, and I want to be able to support that decision without risking my family in the process.

I have had a fucked up life, so I don't count any of the sex and booze and partying as a good thing, more of a release. The question was what I was known for- people didn't know about who I was on the inside because my reputation for those things preceded me. I became a character more than a human to my peers. The way that people would talk about loving or hating someone like Kanye West like he's not a human being who might be affected by what you're saying, people would talk about me that way. I became "usuallylurks." Just a first name, without a last name or anything else to humanize me. Funny, how you can be "bullied" for the things "everyone wants" in high school. (I put bullied in quotes because Im a bad motherfucker and nobody bullied me. Doesn't mean behind my back they didn't work to "knock me down a peg"

People like me aren't meant to be happy. We get berated for anything we do. Do well? fuck you. Don't? Look at how he doesn't live up to his potential. there is no winning others over. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know if I will ever have "golden years," but ill be GODDAMNED if I don't fight with everything I have in me to try to make them.

Also its tough being honest, even as an anon person on reddit because most people on here, despite how friendly they try to act within the reddit culture- would despise me in real life even though I'm not a bad guy. They just wouldn't have the steel to be up front about it.

I know it is all over the place but I hope I at least answered your question. If you're curious about anything in particular then feel free to ask. Im not used to commenting on reddit- so excuse my lack of formatting and all that other jazz everyone is a stickler for.

TL;DR (i think thats right although i don't know what it stands for lol): only the good die young, and I'm baddddd as fuck so my legacy gonna live for ever :P

/r/AskReddit Thread