What were you teased about as a kid? Bonus: what was the nickname that went with the teasing?

First time I can remember being teased was when my parents split up. I was the first kid in my elementary school class who's parents got a divorce (that we kids knew of) and because rich white parents are cunts they discussed my parents Sheraton infront of their kids. Next thing I know kids are making fun of me because "my parents didn't love me enough to stick around." And "my moms a dumb fatass." Both quotes are things that I now realize they MUST have heard from said cunty parents.

A few years after that when we entered middle school my mom was broke. She had moved to the U.S. With my dad, and given up her small career and quit school to do so. Now that he was gone, she was unable to get a job before a long time due to her being here on a visa (maybe that's not why. I was a kid). So we didn't have much money. I was also a little shit and I didn't really care about myself so I got a little chubby, smelled every day, wore cheap clothes. The lack of money thing really didn't get helped by the fact that we were in a rich place. So then I got bullied for being poor, chubby, and smelly. Until I left the state in the 7th grade I only had one friend, and we were barely friends. The school used different lunch times, and he wasn't in mine. So I would sit alone at the back. Teachers thought they were helping by sitting mentally challenged kids with me to make friends. I just got labeled a retard and made fun of more. So being loner got me picked on too.

Due to a death in the family my mom went back home, and I moved in with my dad in another rich place. The difference was that he was also pretty wealthy, so no one bullied me about that. I got a fresh start and took advantage of it. I was able to shed the fat, retarded, lonely, smelly jokes and I was just Matt. But that wasn't a good thing. Because until then I had grown up in a jungle. Everyone was mean, no one wanted to treat you well. You fought and fought. So my defenses were super high and I turned in to the bully until my junior year. I'm ashamed of becoming the person who made me so sad in my young life. I have apologized to anyone I could, and even become friends with a few in the couple of years since graduation. Still doesn't make up for it tho.

/r/AskReddit Thread