What do you think when you see this billboard?

If you think I'm embarrassed because I found myself here after a break up, you're wrong and you truly can't see the big picture (imagine that; a woman can't see the big picture.)

I'm going to be 41 tomorrow. I have had many types of relationships with women in my life. I've had the hot and heavy but short relationships. I've had the long drawn out make me wait relationships. I've been married and divorced and I've also had a couple relationships that lasted over 5 years. The last one was 9 years where I raised a womans 2 kids from 2 different dads). I have been the jilter and the jiltee.

And as a growing, learning, thinking person, when something doesn't make sense I want to know why. Especially if it hurts. So I set out to understand it. Ya see, I didn't to anything wrong. I am a hard working guy that has a career that I have been building for 20 years. And then I hooked up with a single mom. And a week after her youngest moved out of the house (that I bought us) she said "I'm out" and left. She said she just needed to be on her own. (lie) because within 2 months she hooked up with a guy she fucked 20 years ago (and hasn't seen since) and moved to Europe (from Canada) to be with him. Leaving her kids here. I needed an explanation. And I have found it here. It was a ticking time bomb because, I'll say it again, it's IN YOUR NATURE.

It's funny because I KNEW this when i was banging and tossing chicks back in high school and college. But somehow I thought that there really was the possibility to have a long term committed partnership, if not a loving relationship, with a woman. But I was so wrong. And that's the core of AWALT. The only ones that aren't, can't. But if they could then they would. And that's the same damn thing.

Also, as a mature responsible and intelligent adult I realize that the reason I am a mature responsible and intelligent adult is because I have learned from all the hard times in my life. Not just the ones about women. I learned a lot of things the hard way. And I did the most important thing anyone can do. Learn from your mistakes.

Ya see, when my ex left. She said she needed to be alone. but when pressed she blamed me. It was all my fault. But she couldn't say what it was that was so bad. So then she'd cut the conversation off and say "I'm tired of trying". "Trying WHAT" I asked. And was never answered. Because she god damn KNOWS that, by the book, I was an awesome man, father, husband, lover... so I had to figure it out on my own because it didn't make sense. Now I know. She was bored and wanted some attention and validation from other men. She also had just enough SMV to take the risk. So she did. And as anyone could have predicted, she didn't want to be alone. She wanted attention and validation from a man and within 2 months she found it. BTW, that 2 months is what she wanted me to believe. She had been chatting him up on facebook for a few more than that.

Her need to be alone (so called "independence") was only a lie so she didn't have to feel any guilt or any accountability for everything I had done for her. Her hamster must have been running for months... and that's the best bullshit she could come up with because she knows I'm not stupid. She couldn't say "you're lazy" cause I'm not. She couldn't say "you're a deadbeat" because I'm not. She couldn't say I was abusive, because I wasn't. She had NOTHING on me. So she had to pull the independent "I don't need no man" bullshit. Funny though, she needed me for 10 years. But apparently quickly "needed" another man. And of course, her hamster managed to convince her that non of that mattered. She didn't owe me anything. She doesn't owe anybody anything. No accountability is one of the CORE principals we MGTOW are trying to get into guys heads.

Shortsightedness, myopia, solipsism, greed, selfishness, are also core features of people that aren't accountable to anyone.

Just because her boys (19 and 24) are in college, doesn't mean they don't need a mom and she can go hop on the next dick and next plane to Europe. Her and this guy don't have a lot of money. Not the kind of money that allows for a couple trips home every year or for the kids to go there. So in essence, she left them for the same god damn reasons she left me. Selfishness. And in a few years, those boys are going to finally start to get it - Mommy is a needy attention-whore slut that will leave a perfectly suitable man to fuck for trips to Europe and abandon them.

And if they are really smart, and once the testosterone starts to drop a bit, they will start to see that AWALT.

But, I digress, I am breaking the first rule of fightclub. Don't ever try to explain MGTOW to women because it's like talking to a wall, and can be much worse. But I can't help it. When I see someone clearly doesn't understand something, I want to help them understand. You undoubtedly call this mansplaining because you don't want to hear it. mansplaining is another word for women to use when they are just jamming their fingers in their ears and going "nah nah nah nah nah I can't hear you."

I've already demonstrated that I had the skills to figure out you are a woman. If I can do that by simply reading a couple of your scattered posts for a few weeks, then maybe I know a bit more about women then you would like to admit. I was going to rhetorically ask if I can get a little credit, but I know none will be given. But that's ok, real men like me don't need your validation anyway. Seeking validation from men makes sense when you are the weaker sex, but a man seeking validation from women is ridiculous. Why? Because of THEIR NATURE.

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