What Will Keep New Players Subscribed Once They Finish The New Story?

How do you know that there's no new MMO elements or content? Mostly they've just talked about the new story stuff but that doesn't mean there's nothing new for groups. It will probably be like most every planet, where there's stuff for the story but then there's also side quests that can be done alone or with people and quests that require a group. I expect something like Makeb or Rishi and Yaven, really. But how is that really different from everything else out there? The only MMO I've played where I absolutely had to group was FFXIV and that was because dungeons were integrated into story progression. Every other MMO I could level from 1 to max without even having to acknowledge other people.

But who knows what new players will do? Maybe they'll create a 60, blast through the new stuff and leave. If they do, so what? I'm sure a lot will create a new character and check out the leveling content, since apparently that's being revamped for the expansion. They won't need to buy new character slots since you need to be a sub to get KotFE content. And if they're new to the game and they like it why wouldn't they try Ops or PvP?

But let's say they don't... How is that unique to SWTOR? Doesn't every MMO have that issue? What keeps someone playing WoW or Rift or 95% of the MMOs on the market if they don't want to raid or do PvP or group content? The reality is that you'll probably never get people to stick around once they hit max if they don't want to do end game content. They might stick around for stuff like player housing or rep grinds or whatever but that's unlikely. So they'll either alt or leave and SWTOR at least has some incentive to create alts.

I honestly don't see KotFE as a desperation move. They're mixing things up, that's all. You try something new and see what works. They probably could have kept going in the same direction but they wanted to do something big. If it doesn't work they'll try something else and keep moving forward. If they kept it the same people would say it's stagnating. I suppose they're damned if they do and damned if they don't to some people but I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure it will attract new people and drive some people away but that's just how things are. But at least they're trying new things and not just throwing out the same old stuff to placate people.

/r/swtor Thread