What is with all this catfishing?

That's what I think. I personally considered people who wanted to talk forever potential catfishes just because in so many cases of catfishing that we hear about, they want to build that rapport online, and then talk you into giving them money, or whatever it is they're going for. Wanting to talk forever without meeting is a huge component of that. Or even in the less malicious cases. "Oh if I talk to them for a month before meeting, they'll be so hooked by my personality that they won't even notice that all my pictures are from 10 years and 50 pounds ago!"

No, when I used apps, I never wanted to wait more than 72 hours between match and meeting. Exchange enough messages to ascertain that they're probably not an ax murderer, and then go get coffee. Plus, since I committed close to zero time to those situations, it didn't even annoy me that badly when they showed up not looking like their pictures. LOL

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