What is the worst book you've read?

I'm really into fringe subjects like UFOs, alien abduction, alien implants etc. etc. I came across this one book called The Catchers of Heaven. Basically this guy believed he could telepathically communicate with aliens and stuff and a lot of the material he wrote delves into his personal history and veers off into this strange, disorienting rants. It seemed largely unintelligible, unstructured and honestly like a schizophrenic guy was trying to make sense of the chaos going on through his mind.

That being said, I've read a lot of nonfiction books about UFOs and alien abduction that are very informative, well researched and interesting. But this book had to be placed on the wacko shelf.

Surprisingly there are a lot of good reviews on Amazon. I have no idea if these people just haven't read the amount of material that I have on this subject, but it all seemed like a bunch of nonsense to me.

/r/AskReddit Thread