What is the worst gift you got ever?

About two or 3 weeks before Christmas last year I was admitted to hospital for a week and diagnosed as Type 1 Diabetic - which, if I'm honest, I was pretty bummed about. Anyway, every year a day or two before Christmas we go have tea at my Grandad and his wife (not my Grandma)'s house with my Aunt and her family. I'm not particularly close with either of them and outside of Christmas and Birthdays we rarely talk to each other. My Grandad's wife is not well liked by my parents - apparently some mad family beef went down when I was quite young but I don't want to get into all that now. Anyway, we eat our meals (I'm put on the kids table despite being 6" 2 and not physically being able to sit at the table and be able to get my legs in) and everything was pretty standard. I was still very new to the whole diabetes thing, so at that point there were more foods I couldn't eat - chocolate being the main one of those. The whole family knew about it and planned their gifts accordingly since usually quite alot of my family gifts me a selection box each year which I wouldn't have been able to eat last year. So we all exchange gifts, everything is going well. I open mine and it is a box of chocolates. There's a kind of awkward silence for a bit but I end up saying something along the lines of "oh haha don't worry about it, I'm sure someone else will eat them" despite her not really showing any regret.

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