What would this alignment be?

True neutral. I have a hard time pegging characters as evil unless they work in the inversion of good aligned characters. Good characters work for the greater good. Evil characters work for the greater worse, if that makes sense. I think a some of characters we call evil are actually neutral.

A good character might want to bring down a malevolent dictator to better the lives of a lot of people. An evil character will want to instate the dictator to weaken political ties and make it easier for ScaryBig the Demon to ruin the world when he arrives in ten years. A neutral character probably won't care, or wouldn't want to disrupt some kind of balance. Neutral characters will generally not work outside the scope of themselves-- they are usually self-oriented, or are only moved to not be neutral in very dire circumstances.

Your gut is neutral. He doesn't do too much good. He doesn't do too much bad. He does want some bad things to happen, but he doesn't want undue carnage.

And he's true neutral because he "doesn't care who [and I presume also what] gets in the way." I take that to mean he doesn't unnecessarily break or subvert laws, but he doesn't cling to them either?

he relentlessly hungers and hunts for power so he can take revenge on those that wronged him in the past, and cares little for those that get in his way.

I have a character a lot like yours, and when he is at this stage in his story arc, I class him as neutral evil, sheerly because what he does is of a much bigger scope. He doesn't just hurt his enemies and hurt those in the way-- what he fucks up tends to be very big and have a lot of negative consequence for bystanders. He does shift very quickly back to true neutral once he starts to get better about it, though.

/r/DnD Thread