What would you do if you couldn't have sex anymore due to a physical or mental issue?

I am just over 12 years Single and Sex Free. All is well, its Great in fact! I have my own place, 2 nice computers, 2 VR headsets, I make VR content every day, and Zero regrets. Had a kid in High School way too young, ended up military, ended up disabled, realized I would never be in a position to care for a kid again and denied a Vasectomy, so like a drug I quit Sex.

Every Single Person I know is jealous of my life, and how openly Happy I am daily. My disabilities are far Far FAR more of an issue then my unused penis.

Biggest problem is the Entire World is Sex, every show, book, movie, heck most Commercials are all "Please look at me, here is some sex, you want the sex, right?" And so I stick with Youtube and Twitch content where I have control over the amount of Horny in my life. Saves me money.

Be happy, touch yourself often.

/r/AskReddit Thread