What has a friend done that made you never interact with them again?

Oh boy one of the few times I actually have a story for one of these threads. Partially my fault but here goes.

My freshman year I met a new kid who was recently home schooled up until now. I found out we both played league and kinda brought him into my friend group and we quickly hit it off. Turns out he lives in my neighborhood and I would occasionally go over and hang out for the weekend and what not. He was always a little weird and I would occasionally get uncomfortable around him but he was a funny dude so I could get over it. Well a few months later shit started getting really weird and I decide I am not comfortable to continue a friendship with him and proceed to cut contact, my first mistake. I never actually told him I didn't want to continue being friends and just kinda left him in the dark. We would still play league together because my friends were also friends with him but I would never really acknowledge him. Well starts to understandably get frustrated at me for avoiding him and eventually confronts me on the bus. I, foolishly, continue to try to ignore him hoping he would give up. Well when it came time for me to get off the bus he followed me calling my name. ohfuckconfrontation. Even after all this i continue to ignore him until he completely loses it and screams his head off at me in front of my house. I, realizing I can no longer avoid him, tell him to fuck off before I make him eat his own teeth. He seemed taken aback and I chased him off.

Never talked to him again. i feel bad because it really was mostly my fault for never talking about it, but I was 14 and socially awkward. Oh well, I still see him a couple times a week because hes still hangs out in my friend group and we're nice to each other, its just awkward.

/r/AskReddit Thread