What would you like to see in a book where the main character is a trans woman?

I could see that idea being the case. If anyone was offended by my using that as an example, my intent was not to offend.

I'm not autistic, and can't speak on their experience, but I can explain from my perspective, that of the educator. The reason we value people first language is because we worry people will get hung up on one aspect of identity, and that it will permanently color their view of that person. We use people first language as a way of expressing that we see them in their entirety, rather than just one facet of them.

As a result of my understanding, I definitely myself prefer to be referred to with this person first language, such as a person who happens to be trans, or a person who has ADHD. Because being trans, and having ADHD are only part of who I am.

My lived experience, and my education tells me that this is how I should refer to others by default. Once corrected by that individual, then I of course respect their decision in how I should refer to them.

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