Parents who disowned your child, why?

You know I am 25, I am still a student. I am in the last year of my masters because I couldn't study for almpst 2 years due to mental illness. I work only a few hours a week because my study (process engineering) is very demanding and I am not too stress resistent. My family (parents, grandparents and my uncle) all give me money monthly so I can afford living with my boyfriend.

But if they wouldn't be able to do that, if my family wasn't as well off I would have to either work while studying or live at home. That's completely okay, but I wouldn't have done anything wrong (apart from becoming ill..) to be living at home at 25 then.

Just wanted to give some perspective. I agree with your point tho, my father for example doesn't see me as a grown up since they still support me financially. I am not sure what it takes to change that for him, but becoming independent will probably help. I am looking forward to it.

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