What would your dream FE be like?


The year is 20xx everyone in elibe has dieded becos a nuclear war a special boy with superpowers called shacodepatatas (not a selfinsert tho!!) is lonely and doenst need help from any1 and can transfrom into a dargon because my dad was a dargon wowowow ever1 else is a chick because this is a harm masterpiece now i gotta save the world from the evil emperor donadl duck because he has the darksphere from fe3 and hes bad woowoww its so dark and cool liek quelik from teh last promise it teaches us about the control of teh big companyies and blak ppl.


imma the best character of the game and can have infinite supports fukc yea the maps are like awakening and birhtrigth i wuld avoid maps like the ones in fe11 (what an awfull game lol), the default dificulty is lunatic + bcause this games is for pros get outta here casuls i would make a new mekanic called dragon blood were my stats get buffer but i lose hp because i cut my beins OoO


art style is gba the sprites are made by blazer and the models are from unity sotre the music is heavy metal and bansd liek linking park and braeking benjamin oOo


/r/fireemblem Thread