What is wrong with Wargaming

Five days and they still did not solve the problem. Come on WG you reply every 24 hours to my ticket.

Ticket ID PDJ-691-74814

Category: World of Tanks Sub-category: Report an inappropriate name Why did you change the clan name. The clan name was H8Breed. What is not appropriate about the name. We are well known clan on Balkan, for all types of games. We never had a problem with the name on any type of games from BF3, COD4, War thunder etc etc etc. Why did you change it, the clan exists for two years and now after two years we have build some reputation and you decide to change the name, after two years, WTF???? And what was inappropriate about the clan logo, two gun shells and a number 8 i offensive. Come on Wargaming what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. Replies

chika 13 January 2015 07:38

Are you serious WG, Support is very slow, this is awful.

chika 13 January 2015 18:49

Ticket ID PDJ-691-74814 Please respond to ticket. Your support is SLOW.

Nestor Menta 14 January 2015 10:23

Dear Tank Commander,

Thank you for contacting us.

First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay on the answer to your ticket. We have more volume of work than usual, but we still try to reply to all of you as soon as possible.

We regret to inform you that your clan name, tag and logo were deemed inappropriate, and had to be deleted.

More information: - Chapter 3 of the Game Rules “Names (Players and Clans), Avatars, Images, Signatures & Clan logos” http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/forum-29/announcement-26-world-of-tanks-game-rules/

Additionally, if there's anything else you may require assistance with, please let us know.

Kind regards,

Nestor Menta EU Customer Service Team

EN: Once this ticket is closed, you will have access to a short survey. Please, take the time to fill it and help us improve our quality.

ES: Una vez se cierre la consulta, tendrás acceso a una breve encuesta. Gracias por dedicar unos minutos de tu tiempo a contestarla y así ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro servicio.

chika 14 January 2015 10:31

No detail expenation.

chika 14 January 2015 10:35

I need detail expectation, why was it deleted. I need proof. When you forced me to change my name i did get the explanation why was it offensive, and i have accepted your decision to change my name. But now you want me to change my clan name, tag and logo without any explanation. Please tell me why is it offensive to someone. Or just someone decided to report us because we are better in the game then other.

And when can i change the clan name to a new one??????

Fernando Tommy Yesterday at 13:29

Hello Tank Commander,

Thanks for contacting us.

The acronym H8 has been deemed inappropriate by our policy team, as it has been reported as offensive in some countries.

Sadly, this means that you will need to submit a new clan logo, tag and name. You can keep the HateBreed name, as along as it does not include the H8 acronym.

Please, submit the information at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Fernando Tommy

Wargaming Customer Service https://eu.wargaming.net/support/

ES: Una vez se cierre la consulta, tendrás acceso a una breve encuesta. Gracias por dedicar unos minutos de tu tiempo a contestarla y a ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro servicio.

EN: In a constant need to improve the quality of our services, we’d like you to take a few minutes to fill a short survey (you will have access to it once this ticket is closed).

chika Yesterday at 20:57

Clan name: HateBreed Clan tag: -HB-

Please make sure that the background on the clan logo stays transparent. Thank you.

Clan LOGO.zip

Anthony Orwell Today at 20:28

Dear chika,

Thank you for contacting us regarding this issue.

I'm afraid we cannot grant you this name as it is pretty much similar to the one we made you change.

Please provide us with an alternative.

I hope that you continue enjoying the game with us in the future.

Kind regards,

Anthony Orwell, EU support team

Parce que votre avis est essentiel pour nous aider à améliorer la qualité de notre service, merci de prendre quelques minutes pour remplir l’enquête de satisfaction disponible à la fermeture de ce ticket.

Because we consider your feedback crucial in helping us improve the quality of our services, please, take a few minutes to fill in the survey you will have access to once this ticket is closed.

chika Today at 20:56

But you said:

Sadly, this means that you will need to submit a new clan logo, tag and name. You can keep the HateBreed name, as along as it does not include the H8 acronym.

You said i can keep the name, what is the problem now. The tag has been changed from -H8- to -HB- like HateBreed. I don't understand now, there is no number 8, it is HB like HateBreed. And please can you answer the tickets a bit faster, you are very slow in solving this problem.

chika Today at 21:02

Where is the problem now. The name?? The tag?? The logo??

/r/WorldofTanks Thread