What was your "I am surrounded by idiots" moment?

My friends falling for pyramid/ponzi schemes. They are people who are not capable of booting into OS installation, so they called me to ask what I think about scams called KairosPlanet and OneCoin because another friend offered it to them and there have been conferences organized in expensive places with people in expensive suits. KairosPlanet is advertised as a system large corporations use to rent disk storage from random people because:

1) It's much cheaper (eventhough even if it was real, it would be 100s of times more expensive according to what people are told they'll earn) 2) When hackers break into some corporation's system, they can easily steal data - with kairosplanet a 50mb file is split into 1000s of smaller chunks where each chunk is stored at different user, making it impossible for hackers to steal data.

I took a lot of time to explain them why they shouldn't do it and I was under impression that they understood. Turns out a couple of them went ahead and returned the $125 investment. Suddenly they became experts in IT security and are going to invest a few $1000, some have already invested about $10000. It came to the point where they refuse to listen and will just reply with "whatever, you've no idea how this works". I know these people for 20 years and certainly don't want them to lose money, but they will. I am surrounded by a few complete morons.

/r/AskReddit Thread