What was your biggest "I need to get the fuck out of here" moment?

Man that reminds me of when I was about the same age, 25 or so I went out to a party and this 10/10 chick comes over to me telling me how cute I am and how she just broke up with her boyfriend and was looking to have fun that night no strings attached. I'm like Damn I hate strings anyway so I'm game. So we find some random bedroom that's empty and lock the door behind us. She jumps on me immediately and we start making out and things lead to things and we are rawdogging it right on this strangers bed. I start looking around mid coitus and there are fucking one direction posters on the wall and toys scattered around the room. I stop and tell her I don't feel right doing this in some kids room and she looks confused and says "this is my room..." we I'd already committed the crime so we finished up and I start trying to bail on her young ass I think she said she was 15... So right when I'm walking out this bitch says "wait you forgot to pay me!" I'm like pay you?? Bitch you a hoe?? And she's like yea... Ima need about three fifty... Well it was about that time I realized what she really was... I don't want to incriminate myself too much because I think she was endangered but I think you caught on...

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