What is your brutally honest opinion?

Most people in Coastal/Urban America think that the people outside their beltways are uneducated, inbred hicks. This superiority complex blinds them to the fact that the skills being outmoded in the central part of the country are only harbingers for the wave that will hit the cities soon. Rural communities are less dependent on existing supply chains and complex economies to sustain themselves, and they are less prone to the levels of wealth inequality found in urban areas. There will come a time in your life when the power structure you live in will flip. Cities will turn violent, and basic services will start to fail, neighborhood-by-neighborhood. Those of you who are educated and have means will flee to the periphery, and a new round of suburban refugee camps will spring up. It won't be like the 60's-- you've been pissing away your earnings on insane rents and $6 coffee. Mom and Dad's money will dry up. You'll struggle to maintain basic food and shelter. You'll look at all the Green Acres types living outside the belt, sitting in their farmhouses, and you'll rail about Big Ag and Universal Income. I take solace in this outcome-- I think, in the long run, once your children have learned from your mistakes and see past the insanity this generation has created, they'll react against you, and the world will be a better place. You're so self-assured in your superiority that I can't say anything that will change your mind-- all I can do is spell out how it will happen. There's no real way to cure your sickness than to let time pass and others to pave over it.

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