This hotel room I lived in while in Prague.

If your business facility was built or altered in the past 20 years in compliance with the 1991 Standards, or you removed barriers to specific elements in compliance with those Standards, you do not have to make further modifications to those elements

this is just safe harbor for those that already complied to the mandate once before. so now they aren't on the hook for new standards. but everyone I think is on the hook for the minimum standards.

but that shows some reasonableness in the statute I was not aware of. my biggest gripe with the act is it deputizes every citizen to go find noncomplainant entities and after complaining they can immediately sue for damages AND they get attorneys fees.

there are lawyers and wheel chair bound people that just search out places and they shake them down. they'll say you are statutorily out of compliance, there is not a bar to lean on in this this shitter. I can sue you and I will win and make you pay for my attorney and it will cost you $55k, or we can settle right now for $5,000. cut me a check bitch.

if they just even took away the attorneys fees I'd feel a lot better. it turns everyone into a little attorney general. there is no defense.

anyway, I don't give too much of a shit. I like to argue.

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