What is your childhood memory that you thought was normal but realized it was traumatic later in your life?

Boy howdy I've got a lot of these, and they're very specific so if anybody who knows me recognises this... Well hi.

  1. The times when my grandparents would watch me in the bath.

  2. The times my sister used to "play" drown me in pools.

  3. Once my mother told me "no matter what happens a hug from you always makes me feel better" so once when I was eleven and she was crying I went to hug her and she yeeted me into the ground. Cut my hands up pretty bad.

  4. When my cousin convinced me to eat pet treats (I was six, don't judge me).

  5. The time when I was [REDACTED] and i [REDACTED] my [REDACTED]. Nobody needs to know this.

  6. Watching extremely adult shows as a kid.

  7. This one time I casually picked up a ray and had a panic attack.

I could go on, but frankly this is making me realise how fucked I am in the head.

/r/AskReddit Thread