What is your closest near death experience?

I attempted suicide when I was 14 by slitting my wrists. I'd locked myself in my room, my dad wasn't expected home from work until later that night so I figured by the time he got home I'd be 'gone'. From what he told me, he'd had this horrible feeling that something was wrong and instead of ignoring it he came home to check that everything was okay. He'd seen my school bag and stuff so knew I was home but I wasn't answering him when he called out to me. He went to my room, it was locked, he 'hip and shouldered' my bedroom door and found me unconscious on the floor surrounded by blood. He grabbed a couple of my tshirts which were on the floor, wrapped my wrists and then called an ambulance. He said that he thought I was dead because of the amount of blood there was. I can't imagine what it must've been like for him to find his child like that. It was a pretty fucked up time and I feel guilty every day for putting my dad through it. However, afterwards things got a lot better, he got me the help I needed and I got better.

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