What is your favorite conspiracy theory?

That mass shootings worldwide are actually staged by the government using crisis actors and that no one dies, because the government is trying to get the citizens of their country to give up their guns to gain “control”. The mass shootings apparently inspire the population to do so.

Or maybe that dinosaurs aren’t really as humans were never even alive to see them, and that no regular person has ever found dinosaur bones, as such the bones found are all planted by the government to prove the theory of evolution.

Or maybe it’s planes travel around the circumference only and not parallel to it because you would reach the end of the earth. Also further to build on this conspiracy, that the reason planes never fly over Antartica or the North Pole is because that’s where the end of the world is, and is also the reason why they’re both classified as military zones.

I’ve got plenty of these if people want more, some more wild than others. I have a close friend that is insanely into this stuff and I have to hear it all the time. Not a believer myself however.

/r/AskReddit Thread