What is your "Fuck you. Fuck this. I'm out." story?

I used to know a girl (j) married to a guy (m).

knew them for a bit, worked with both.

m started cheating on j.

I didn't say anything for a while until I actually saw proof rather than hearsay.

j and I had been friends for a bit and I eventually told her what I had seen (while with my gf at the time).

Shit goes down, j and m start the divorce process.

I don't talk to j for a few weeks, and get called out.

I am now single.

j and I hang out a few times and alcohol leads to us hooking up for a few months before it eventually sours. [I was kind of a dickhead, so was she. Such is life]

Years pass.

I meet a coworker named (a) that is married to a chef named (t)

We all get along.

t leaves a for reasons.

They start the divorce process.

a and I start spending more time together and we start hooking up for a few months.

Things sour because reasons, but I don't regret any of it [I'm not perfect, neither is she]

I try to stay friends with a, I shouldn't have, idk.

Find out a is dating m.

To summarize, an ex is dating another ex's ex.

Such is life sometimes.

Do you know how to make an egg roll?

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