What is your "neighbors from hell" story?

My neighbors let their dog come onto my property and fight with my restrained dog 5 feet from my lil kiddo. When I politely requested them to confine their dog to their own property and suggested it might be bothering the other neighbors as well as it was dangerous for allto have a dog running free right next to the highway (we are rural) additionaly it was illegal to allow their dog to chase wildlife as it did at least once a week right through my front yard... they told me they would rather shoot their own dog than put it on a chain. They still would let this dog run loose come over and fight my dog (no serious worries with my big ass tough 90# labrador) but i was worried about dogs fighting right next to my first grader. Not cool. We went over there again and were considerably less friendly with a straight forward "keep your dog off of our property!" They got on Facebook pets and complained how city-fied their neighbor was. They are on Facebook every month with a "lost dog" bring him home post.

/r/AskReddit Thread