What was your "I was only gone 'X' minutes, what the hell happened?!" story?

When I was much younger, I took a little five-year-girl I was babysitting into a small toy store. It was downtown in our little city and there happened to be a big annual festival going on downtown, just outside the shops. There were thousands of people milling around. The little girl was at my side and I literally looked away from her for maybe 30 seconds and she was gone. I lost my mind, I started yelling for her, yelling at anyone who would listen, describing her to everyone and making them stop and look around, I was completely frantic and hysterical. After a few minutes which seemed like days, a police officer arrived with her and asked me if she was the girl I was looking for. She had taken herself to the lost & found booth, which was not too far from the store, and I was making so much noise that the officer knew where to take her. I've never been so relieved to see someone in all my life. Ever. I didn't think I'd be one of "those" parents but when I had my own daughter many years later, whenever we went to an airport or a festival I not only held on to her but also attached a kiddie leash. Some feelings you just never forget.

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