What is your personal belief on what happens after one commits suicide?

  • It makes it seem like you are speaking from dogma rather than genuine knowledge which is going to turn most audiences off.


I am not saying I have a monopoly on truth, but the first memory I have is of this entity in my previous incarnation.

I was encouraged to drink this strange stuff by some woman while I was watched by a man who seemed to be a guard.

I drank just a little to see the effect of it.. it felt good.

Numbed my body as it entered me and filled me with a strange sensation, it tasted like a kind of ether.

The rest, I took into my mouth and spit down my shirt while coughing.. as if I'd drank it.

We crossed this giant wooden bridge, below the bridge was thick mist and we were surrounded by mountains.

Above us, there was a thick mist and sunlight did not pierce the sky.

All sources of light actually were not natural, at the end of this bridge there were two large doors that stood upright attached to nothing, they were built of an old and heavy kind of wood.

After opening them I was brought inside, there was a square hole in the ground and within it the sky and heavy winds, I was told that once I entered it I could be reincarnated again.

I asked when I would be able to do this and was told that it would be soon, and that we just had to wait for some time longer.

After significant time passed I had the impression we had to go back which I intuited from the body language and uncertain manner of speech between the man and woman... and that I would not be able to be reincarnated, so I jumped in anyway.

Truthfully the idea of having myself obliterated didn't much appeal to me at the time, so I did that rather than to die.

The man that was with us tried to grab the very basic shirt I was wearing at the time but couldn't hold onto me, he only managed to grasp material and I was able to escape.

Maybe in hindsight I couldn't pass because my sense of self was still clearly present, I imagine had I drank all of this material I would be incapacitated and that would be the announcement that I was ready to be reincarnated.

Really am not such the ramifications of this very strange memory, I think I maybe did something that is karmically very bad.

I do not remember much about this life, I only remember the very last of it before being reincarnated; but this period of time is vivid in my mind.

Some of my Wisdom from this incarnation is still present with me, my understanding of the tenants of a kind of Buddhism and Tantric belief.

When I was born, I also had a functional Ajna chakra and the search to quantify this sensation is what brought me to the work in general.

A desire to explain a feeling I didn't know how to articulate, to see if others had it too.

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