What is your unpopular opinion about Overwatch?

By definition the way SR is suppose to work is to make the game as fair as possible. Games are usually decided on who has the most players that are placed lower than they should be. You are 1/12th of the game and only control 1/6th of your team. Very tiny in the grand scheme of things. Sure you can effect a game because you are good but they are suppose to have a player equal to your skill doing and thinking the exact same thing. "If I play my best I should win" doesn't apply to Overwatch because it's such a team oriented game.

What pisses me off the most is the ELO hell around the highs of the tiers. This is caused by players not losing rewards. Already made it to 3000 and you don't really care to grind to 3500? Guess what you can have fun and try out a new hero and practice. Playing your "main" and actively trying to win for the SR is what is going to help the team but sure work on your Hanzo and don't care if we lose. Players play at 2900 like it's QP with CP rewards as a bonus. Sure you get CP for wins but lose enough and then win a couple easier ones when you don't have to put a lot of thought into each game is fine for most people.

The system shouldn't be like this.

They need to add hero tiles under the ultimate meter for friendly and enemy heroes. Have you ever pushed the select button on a controller? Yeah give up movement while your screen goes black, makes a lot of sense. People trickle because it's hard to know who's up and who's dead. If I paused the game for a player and said "Name three heroes on the other team" I'd be amazed if platinum and lower SR players could name three. It's a pain to keep track and on Xbox there is so few times where checking it is good.

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