What is your zodiac sign and your 4th house ruler. What was your childhood like?

Libra sun. Pisces in 4H (sidereal) Aries in 4H (Tropical)

I relate more to pisces 4H. My mom: Aqua sun, my dad Scorpio sun.

What I needed: Leo energy. Perhaps Taurus or cancer too.

My moms weaknesses: wasn’t warm or emotional support to me. My dads weaknesses: he needs a woman to make him into a doormat. Passive aggressive. Holds grudges.

They divorced when I was quite young, 4 or 5. Sense of security was taken away from me, since I wasn’t allowed to stay in one parents place. I was forced to live one week at my moms one week at my dads. Horrible idea. Growing up my mom was not a warm hearted figure, she provided me good meals and a clean house, but I don’t have a single memory of me and her for example playing together, ever. My sister and I were closer even though 10 years apart. My dad and I played a lot together, he even played video games with me. But he, too, was emotionally suppressed. My mom is way more argumentative and my dad unable to handle conflict (I don’t remember any of this, from what I remember when they were together I was content) which apparently was a huge reason for my mom to leave. My mom divorced him eventually because they ‘grew apart’ and she started immediately living with another Aquarius sun. Unfortunately the new man became more and more alcoholic as the time passed. My dad married again to woman he was dating, she hated my guts and we never got along. I felt inherently unwelcome in my own childhood home. At the age of 12 I told my parents I wanted to live with my mom only, occasionally going to sleep over weekends at my dads place. I became very angry teenager, raging in both households. Most of my communication to my parents was either very passive aggressive or just blatant aggressive. When I moved out At age 15 I felt at peace. My relationship to my mother was always closer, because in the end she is much more open about her flaws too. She admitted that she never learned to talk about emotions. We are very close now. My dad was more distant until recent years when he started to became quite ‘clingy’ (Libra hates that haha) after divorcing that woman he used to be married to. He is quite a doormat with every woman he has been with except my mom. He is now engaged again at the age of 59.. to a strong willed controlling Taurus. My dad is a classic case of passive aggressiveness and takes things very personal for some reason. He is also very practical and thinks that what I do for a living is not good enough because it’s not 9-5. I know he means well but at some point he should just accept it.

/r/astrology Thread